Cheri Mauldin, CEO, shares Project Ultra needs and goals for 2015


Imagine how you would feel if this happened to you or yours: Maria lives in a remote village in the hills of Nicaragua (near Las Salinas, where MOG/WINFOCUS has our Ultrasound Project). The closest hospital or well-staffed clinic is over three hours away in Rivas. Maria and her husband have wanted a baby for a long time and they were delighted when Maria became pregnant. When Maria was six months along, the baby stopped moving and the couple got scared. A local doctor came to her home and examined Maria with his stethoscope – the only tool he had. He told her that the baby was dead and that she needed to get on a bus and take the three hour ride to the Rivas hospital.

As the doctor was leaving (he felt badly for Maria), he said there was one other option – to stop at the Puesto de Salud (health post) in Las Salinas and see a nurse there named Martita. She had an ultrasound machine and could check her further. Maria made her way as quickly as she could to Las Salinas, crying and trying hard not to fall apart. Martita (our MOG project director) welcomed her with open arms and immediately brought her in for an exam. The baby, it turns out, was fine. Maria said, ‘Thank God for Project Ultra!’

We have many other testimonies of lives touched and even actually saved. We also thank God for this project. Continue reading

MOG Guasacate Trip & Project Ultrasound 2013

OW, THAT HURT! You should hear the story!

Cheri, MOG Director, with a black eye

I should probably introduce myself because with this “shiner” you may not even recognize me.

I am Cheri Mauldin, Director of Missions of Grace, and have recently returned from an empowering mission in Nicaragua.

I know that I do not look very ‘empowered’ in this photo! But I was, oh so very much! 

While in Nicaragua in late June through early July, I needed to be close to the rural health post that hosts our Project Ultrasound for part of my visit.  Continue reading