Indians, you say? – And, listen to my daughter?

Sarah Guides Mom …

Daughter, Sarah

 In 2008, Sarah (my daughter, who lives in Nicaragua) encouraged me to choose the Tolas, Rivas area as  a location for our medical missions. She explained that there were many remote communities that fit our criteria; needed our help; could greatly benefit from clean water projects; had no health post, and most of all, she believed they would embrace Missions of Grace, with our relationship style of missions. Continue reading

MOG Guasacate Trip & Project Ultrasound 2013

OW, THAT HURT! You should hear the story!

Cheri, MOG Director, with a black eye

I should probably introduce myself because with this “shiner” you may not even recognize me.

I am Cheri Mauldin, Director of Missions of Grace, and have recently returned from an empowering mission in Nicaragua.

I know that I do not look very ‘empowered’ in this photo! But I was, oh so very much! 

While in Nicaragua in late June through early July, I needed to be close to the rural health post that hosts our Project Ultrasound for part of my visit.  Continue reading